In honor of Easter, this month’s scrapped animal is a little bunny.  Seeing this bunny float around our house with two happy girls has made it feel a little more like spring.  The sunny weather helps too!

I think my favorite is the colorful tail.


scrapped bunny PDF pattern
scrap fabrics in 2 or more color
matching thread
embroidery floss
thin wire (optional)


1. Applique the heart to the bottom left corner of the body front using a zigzag stitch.

2. Prep the ears.  Start by lining the ear pieces with right sides together using a small seam allowance, and leaving the bottom edge open for turning.  Turn the ears right side out and press.

3. (OPTIONAL) Run wire around the edges of each ear using a running stitch.  Be sure to secure the ends of the wire very securely with multiple knots.  EDIT: the bendy ears were cute, but I ended up taking the wire out… more cozy that way.

Line the bottom edges of the ears with the top edge of the body front, with the right side of the body front facing the front side of the ears.  Baste near the edge.

4. Make the tail by folding each tail circle into fourths, and running a needle through the inner corner.  After all of the circles have been threaded together, run the needle through all of the layers several more times and tie it off tightly.

Fluff the tail and secure it to the back body piece by hand or machine.

5. Hand stitch the face to the body front.

6. Sew the side piece ends together and then sew it to the front body piece with right sides together.  (see more detailed instructions for this step HERE)

7. Pin the body back to the raw edge of the side piece, and sew, leaving a 3″ opening to turn.

8. Turn, stuff, and stitch closed.

Simple and special, just like your little one.


  1. I really love this cute project! I think I’ll do this with my 8 & 9 year-old sewing students!
    Thank you for making such a great tutorial and sharing it!

  2. I simply adore your little bunny and will Pin this to my board for ‘one day soon’. I wonder how we can get that wire in the ear to keep it safer for the little ones? Thanks so much for your tutorial!

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