My parents stop by for the shortest, most fantastic weekend ever.  Fish’n’chips, hiking, scenic picnic, car show, baseball, and lots and lots of muddy buddies.

I opt to build a fort around the air mattress before taking it down from my parents’ visit.  Would the magic of it wear off if I left it up all the time?  Seriously, this thing is the best babysitter ever.

I’m singing songs to my girls- replacing most of the key words with “Lenna” and “Bev”.  Sometimes it sounds like nonsense.  You know, “I’m a little teaBev short and stout.  Here is my handle, here is my spout.  When I get all steamed up, Lenna shouts, ‘tip Bev over and pour her out’.  The girls eat it up.

I find time to reflect on this beautiful country that I’m so blessed to live in.  The freedoms, the opportunities, the people.  We certainly don’t all have the same vision and opinions about what’s best for this country, but we have the same fundamental freedoms.  And that’s enough to make my heart swell.

I wish there was a way for me to properly and personally thank each person who has contributed to my family’s safety and happiness here in the United States of America.  My gratitude is always in my heart, but especially today.


  1. When I was a kid my mom sewed a permanent teepee fort that she got out on special occasions. It was about six feet tall, and about four or five feet square on bottom when opened up, on a frame of four pvc pipes. We LOVED that thing. I think it’s still at my parents house somewhere…

    1. that sounds unbelievable!

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