their first "quilts"

their first "quilts"

I’ve been giving the girls little sewing lessons lately, and it’s just been the best.  I love hearing Bev run around talking about “feed dogs” while she plays, and Len asking me questions to learn more and more and more.

We worked on these doll blankets for a few days, letting them change the thread color and choose different decorative stitches.

I can see their personalities so perfectly in these.  Lenna used every color and every stitch.  Bev, on the other hand, stuck very firmly to purple hearts, with the exception of her last stitch, where she ventured out to green.

They’re so proud of these “quilts”, as they call them, and keep bundling their baby dolls up in them.

Now all Lenna can talk about is making a skirt.  Hmmmmm….

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