sample book

This sample book is only an optional part of the sewing e-courses, but it is completely worth it.  It allows you to practice each technique before you attempt it on an actual sewing project.  With the PDF printables available for each course, your book will be a place to turn to, to see a physical sample of a technique as well as a simple description for future reference.

Introduction to Sewing Sample Book Printout
Intermediate Sewing Techniques Sample Book Printout


1 yd. woven fabric (solid color) for each e-course
Contrasting thread
Any notions indicated in the specific lessons (buttons, zippers, etc.)


1. With the fabric pre-washed and ironed, cut 12 squares and rectangles according to the instructions in the sample book PDF.

3. For each sample, cut a small slit right above the template in the sample book, and slide a paperclip in place.  This paperclip is how you’re going to attach each sample to the sample page.

4. There are simple instructions on each page, as well as space for your own notes.

4. Hold all of your samples together in a binder to keep them organized and accessible.


Introduction to Sewing Sample Book Printout
Intermediate Sewing Techniques Sample Book Printout

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